Warning: These are the "secrets" pet stores don't want you to know...
Discover How Easy it is to Have a Captivating, Stunning Aquarium Full of Vibrant,
If you love tropical fish or are thinking of buying an aquarium, then this may be the most exciting message you'll read today!
Here's why...
My name is Sean LeMay, and I've been passionate about tropical fish for over 30 years. More important, during these 30+ years, I've uncovered hundreds of tips, techniques and secrets about tropical fish that no one else seems to know.
I've just finished putting all these tips, techniques and secrets into a new guide that will show you how to have a stunning aquarium full of tropical fish... without spending a fortune and with almost NO WORK! And it's called...
Tropical Fish Secrets!
Kind of an unusual title isn't it? However, it's very appropriate. You see, I told you I love aquariums. I think they are beautiful. They are vibrant, colorful, living pieces of art right in YOUR home!
It's always fun when a guest comes into my home for the first time... you can see their eyes light up like a little kids' and exclaim, "Wow, an aquarium!" as they make a "B-line" for it and proceed to gawk in amazement!
Who gets tired of that?
Something I never bargained for when I first started keeping fish was, when I got a little older, how much my kids would enjoy the aquarium. They are all just so enthralled with their little pets... they've even given them all names!
As an added benefit...it's educational! It's like having a science class right in your home. And feeding them is their job... it's nice for them to take some responsbility too, no matter how little it is.
But you know what?
Probably the biggest reward of owning an aquarium... and no one talks about this... is how relaxing it can be!
It's tranquil.
It's serene.
With all the stress in our busy lives it's nice to have a little sanctuary. There’s absolutely nothing like relaxing into your favorite chair, gazing into your stunning tropical aquarium and letting your mind take you away.
It's almost hypnotic.
The vivid colors ... the beautiful fish ... the lush green plants ... the graceful movements ... the sound of the bubbles ... the gentle hum of the air pump … you feel soothed as you breathe deeply ... a sense of calm wafts over your body … your thoughts begin to linger … as you drift away ...
See what I mean!
You can escape.
Even if its just for a fleeting moment. You always come back renewed, rejuvinated and oh... so... relaxed.
When you think about it, with all the great things about aquariums, who wouldn’t want one?
How could you resist?
I'll tell you how....
Remember my friend who was getting so "googly-eyed" looking at my stunning aquarium?
After a few moments of amazement (while my chest swelled) do you know what what came out of his mouth next? I'll bet you can almost guess.
It's almost inevitable.
They'll say something like, "Man I love aquariums... but... we had one when we were kids and... it turned green... or the fish died... or my parents got tired of all the work..."
If it wasn't their family it was their friend or someone else they knew. And their aquarium was a nightmare... or expensive... or complicated....
Know what I mean?
Lots of folks think that's true.
But it's not!
What if it were easy? What if it wasn't expensive? What if you didn't have to be a rocket scientist?
Would you want an aquarium then?
Bet you would!
Now, let me tell you a little more about myself...
Frankly, I'm cheap... I'm lazy... and to tell the truth... I ain't that bright!
(Doh!... I hope my wife isn't going to read this!)
What I meant to say was... I hate wasting money. And if given a choice, I'd rather play with my kids... or go golfing... or do just about anything other than clean up after pets. And, while I'm not what you'd call stupid... NASA isn't exactly pounding on my door bugging me to help out with the space shuttle...
But guess what... I've got a gorgeous aquarium in my home!
Along the way I've learned a few things... actually, some very ingenius, almost unkown, insider secrets... you can use to create your own breathtaking aquarium and I reveal them in my new guide.
But, here's a
If you are one of those people who go through life believing in "no pain...no gain" or that "to have something worthwile you have to work at it really hard"... then this book probably is NOT for you. Having a gorgeous aquarium is... almost no work.
Or if you insist on shelling out lots of money because "you get what you pay for"... that in order for something to be valuable you have to pay a lot of money for it... then this book probably is NOT for you either. (Unless you want to send me a really big check for it!) Owning your dream aquarium doesn't have to be an endless parade to the pet store to replace dead fish or buy more chemicals...
I can't remember when I've had to replace a fish... or buy anything other than food for that matter!
" I just wish that I found this book before I got into these tropical fish...you have answered all my fish problems. I have visited a pet shop many times to ask simple questions about my fish tank and they look at me like I have 2 heads! This is the first time in my life that I owned a fish tank and I was getting so frustrated. I was thinking of getting rid of it but I love to watch the fish and the ones that lived have become my family pets!
Finally there is a book out there that tells people (with 2 heads) that fish can survive with a little help. I call your book my Fish Bible! Now all I have to do is go to my library here in the house and look up what I might be doing wrong or what I might be doing right. My family and I thank-you very much...And most of all I hope your book will be a inspiration for other fish lovers out there."- Penny Medway
To help you decide if "
Tropical Fish Secrets" is for you or not, here's a sneak peak at some of the secrets revealed in it:
- What type of aquarium is best for YOU--saltwater or freshwater.
- A little-understood secret that will keep the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
- 3 easy steps you need to do every day—that prevent BIG problems down the road.
- The 6 special rules you NEED know to prevent you from accidently killing your fish! Look, fish don't live forever but you don't have to end their lives prematurely. There's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your kids cry as you flush their favorite fish down the toilet -- especially when it's your fault! Learn this basic information or suffer the consequences.
- The number one thing you need to do before you set up your new aquarium.
- How to buy the best fish--6 things to look for when stocking your aquarium.
- How to know exactly how much to feed your fish.
- Inside secrets to help you avoid a “cash grab” by pet stores—this point alone can save you upwards of $100.
- How to keep your water warm, reduce heat loss and save money, all at the same time.
- Which foods to avoid because of parasites.
- Easy tactics to control water chemistry. You need to know this stuff or your fish could get sick even if your aquarium looks great. But don't panic. You won't need a white lab coat. This isn't your typical high-school chemistry lesson!
- Where NEVER to put your aquarium.
- Fluorescent or incandescent lighting? Learn which is best for your chosen set-up.
- When exactly to introduce fish to your NEW tank--if you don’t know this they might not make it.
- How "drip loops" can keep you and your fish from getting fried.
- How to keep your fish in the tank. (Some fish will jump right out! If your child finds it a few days later ... you'll have some explaining to do!)
- A simple strategy for establishing and maintaining a saltwater REEF tank! If you don't know anyone who has attempted to set up a tank like this you have no idea what a nightmare it can be...
- The minimum sized tank you should begin with.
- Bigger IS Better … in the fish world … size does matter! Find out what the heck I'm talking about!
- What to do if a fish starts to swim on its side.
- The easiest way to prevent a tidal wave in your living room. Imagine this. Your tank breaks and 30 gallons of water splashes onto the living room floor ruining flooring, furniture, walls, and electronic equipment before seeping down into the basement and wrecking the ceiling, the walls, wiring, insulation … ugh … just do one simple thing to prevent this from EVER happening.
- The truth about using a background.
- The 10 essential ingredients for your Fish First Aid Kit. You'll thank me for this one. If you're fish get sick you CAN help them get better. But if you don't have these items on hand ... it may be too late!
- The right kind of thermometer to use. This could prevent a disaster!
- The single biggest reason tanks get dirty--and how to avoid it.
- 3 little-known factors that are essential to plant health -- Somehow your friends just aren't impressed with dead, rotting, stinking plants floating around in your tank. Keeping them healthy is EASY when you know how.
- And that’s just a fraction of what you get with "Tropical Fish Secrets"!
Let's take a short "breather". We'll get back to more of what this remarkable book will teach you in just a moment. But first let's talk about why you'll never get this information in a pet store.
There are 2 reasons:
1. They don't know
2. They don't care.
Sound harsh? Let me explain.
First, have you been shopping lately? Retail outlets are in a crisis! Hiring anyone to staff their stores is difficult right now... hiring qualified candidates... especially in specialty areas like tropical fish is... almost impossible!
Don't beleive me? Check out your nearest national, big-box, pet outlet.
After you find them, wait for the staff members to finish their conversation about last night's party, and ask them a question.
Notice the blank stare.
And they look at YOU like YOU'RE an idiot!
When you go to a store like that you better be prepared to walk up to an aquarium, point to the fish you want and say “I want that one”.
Nuff said.
Secondly, as for them not caring... Ask yourself this, "When do you spend the biggest chunk of money in this hobby?" At the very beginning of course!
You need to invest in the aquarium, perhaps a stand, filter, heater and other equipment, plants, chemicals and, oh yeah... fish!
Now. What what is the pet shop's incentive to make sure you are successful?
The $5 you'll spend on food in the next 6 months? Not!
They actually make more money if you are unsuccessful because you'll need more chemicals to fix your problems and more fish to replace the dead ones!
When it comes to Tropical Fish and Aquariums...
There IS a lot to know.
That’s one of the great things about this hobby. You could keep on learning new things for your whole life … if you want to.
But you don't HAVE to.
You don't NEED to know everything.
To be successful, to have a beautiful, clean aquarium full of healthy fish, YOU ONLY HAVE TO KNOW THE IMPORTANT STUFF...or at least have it available.
There is a certain amount of information that is essential. Necessary. Critical.
That’s where "Tropical Fish Secrets” comes in!
This breakthrough new book covers everything you NEED to know about your Tropical Fish and Aquarium. And I mean everything … if it’s not in the book, you can live without it.
There isn't a lot of wasted space filled with mildly-interesting but non-essential information.
It’s the only book you’ll ever NEED about Tropical Fish.
You’ll get advice you’d NEVER hear in a pet store!
It’s like getting a backstage pass into the real world of Tropical Fish keeping.
You’ll uncover all kinds of exciting tips … from how to pick your first aquarium and keep it clean to how to keep your fish healthy forever … with practically no work!
Taking care of an aquarium is less work than caring for and cleaning up after a dog or a cat. It doesn't have to be time-consuming drudgery.
You just need to know “What” to do and “When” to do it and “How” to do it.
That's what "Tropical Fish Secrets" delivers ... in a BIG way.
(How would you like a gorgeous saltwater reef tank like this one?) |
"This book is absolutely & positively a MUST if you're starting out down the aquarium road! It's jam packed with useful information, so you don't have to make the same mistakes as the rest of us have. Full of comprehensive advice & some stunning pictures, this book is the bible of any budding aquarists."
IF you don’t already own an aquarium, don’t spend a dime until you read this book.
The information you learn could easily save you 10 times the price! Without it you will make expensive mistakes…
- wrong size of tank,
- wrong type of aquarium,
- poor equipment,
- incompatible fish,
- poor water conditions,
- dead fish
- …or worse!
You could go out and buy an aquarium, a stand, equipment, plants, chemicals, food and fish … run into problems ... get frustrated ... and then throw in the towel! Quit. Empty your tank and put it away.
And doing all that could cost you upwards of $500!
You'll own an empty aquarium taking up space in your garage or attic … every once in a while you'll catch a glimpse of it. And it will be a gut-wrenching reminder of you how much money you wasted.
Don't let this happen to you.
Get it right the first time with "Tropical Fish Secrets" by your side!
It will Guide you every step of the Way!
This brilliant book will become your lifelong companion!
It's unbelievably thorough.
"This book is so useful! It is very thorough. I would recommend this book to anyone looking at getting an aquarium."-Jennifer Courneyea, Windsor, Canada
You see, "Tropical Fish Secrets" is the result of input from over 100 people! Everyone from novices just starting out, to experienced hobbyists and from professional breeders to veterinarians.
It’s like having the collective wisdom and experience of 100 people available to answer your questions 24 hours a day!
Here's more of what "Tropical Fish Secrets" will teach you:
- In the chapter about SUBSTRATES (that’s a fancy name for the sand or gravel material that goes in the bottom of your tank), you learn about 6 different types -- how deep it should be -- what NOT to use -- and why substrate is important for the fish, the filtering system, the plants and the crustaceans!
- In the LIVE PLANTS section we reveal the most popular varieties -- which ones make a good centerpiece -- how to choose and care for them -- what makes the best growing medium -- the best lighting for plants -- the ideal temperature -- what the proper CO2 level should be and how to keep it there easily.
- In the FILTRATION section you’ll learn the 3 main types of filtration, the 4 most popular categories of filtration devices and how to choose the right one for your aquarium.
- In the FOOD section we discuss: basic food tips -- how much and how often to feed -- how to recognize and understand your fish's feeding habits -- 27 different types of foods you can feed your fish, their nutritional composition and even what vitamins may be necessary.
- In the WATER QUALITY section you learn about ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, GH, KH, pH, chlorine and chloramine, what they are, what level they should be and how to keep them there…easily and inexpensively
And there’s more! Loads More! ... a full 85 pages of pure information! No fluff... No filler...
"... you saved a lot of verbiage without missing the important facts... (the book) is a digestible, easy to understand, compact guide for the beginner spiced with good humor and bits of knowledge new to those of us with years of experience. I recommend it as a valuable quick, concise foundation for all fish lovers."- Karl J. Mc Craley Sr., Santa Ana, California (60 years experience!)
(Amazing looking anemone!) |
But remember, it's thorough, NOT complicated. All the techniques, tips and secrets are revealed in plain, easy-to-understand language. You don’t have to be a fish scientist to understand it.
You’ll love the light-hearted approach. It's an "easy read", and there are lots of great pictures too.
With “Tropical Fish Secrets”, keeping a healthy aquarium full of beautiful, exotic fish is as easy as tying your shoes!
And now you can use these secrets, too.
It's easy. And it's surprisingly inexpensive compared to what you'll save by not making costly mistakes... and compared to what you would spend learning these advanced, insider secrets. In fact, I'm not going to charge you the $97 I wanted to when I was working on the book. Nor am I going to charge you $67... or $47... or even $37. No, if you order right way, you get the jam packed guide for just...
Does that seem like a lot? I sure hope not. Especially when you consider that what I've spent over the years is easily in the thousands of dollars, plus nearly all of my life... and... hundreds upon hundreds of hours of study, sweat and toil uncovering these secrets.
If you value your time at anything over a few pennies per hour, you are saving money based on what you would have to spend scouring the internet, bookstores and the library to find just some of the gold nuggets I reveal.
"Tropical Fish Secrets" is one of those rare purchases that you actually find more valuable as time goes on and you continue to use it year after year.
Plus, there's absolutely zero risk when you take a "test drive" of my guide... because... it comes with an...
Incredible Lifetime Guarantee!
Here's the deal: Order the guide. It's in an easy, downloadable Adobe .pdf format. You'll be reading it in less than five minutes. Start putting the secrets you discover to work tomorrow... or even today. Take your own sweet time to do this. Then, if you're not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all... simply ask for your money back by email (it is at the very bottom of the page)... and you'll get a full and fast refund of every dime you paid.
That means you can see my guide — read it, and use the secrets as your own as much as you want — for free, if you choose.
Please know, the reason why I can make this kind of outrageous guarantee is because... I really do have the “goods”. My guide delivers on all the promises I make. And I know that what I’m about to share with you works... it’s been proven, over and over again. I’ve used it all myself... and I’ve taught countless other people to use it with equal (and sometimes greater) success.
Literally, what you are about to discover in my guide are some of the EASIEST “shortcuts” to successful aquarium ownership known to man. You’ll find out for yourself as soon as you download it. And if you don’t like what you find, you get all your money back. Quickly and quietly. Without questions or hassle. Your word is good enough.
That's pretty fair, wouldn't you agree? My secrets either work for you like I say they will.... or... you get all your money back. It's as simple as that. And it's easy to order.
Here's What To Do Now:
Click on the secure link below and order with your credit card online...
(If you've never ordered online it's easy. For me, a big company, called Clickbank, processes the order. They use a "secure server" which means that it's safer than handing your credit card to a waitress in a restaurant. They don't keep your number and I never see it. You just follow the simple instructions and type in your address and card number when they ask you to. The whole thing takes less time than it takes me to figure out the tip for that waitress!)
That's it! In less than five minutes you'll be devouring—for your own use and enjoyment—some of my most tightly-held, advanced, insider tropical fish secrets. The same ones I've used—and still use everyday—to own a stunning aquarium without spending a fortune or working like a darned fool.
You can read it right from your screen, beginning to end, or click on the Table of Contents and go straight to the information you need NOW! Or you could print the whole thing out and read it in the comfort of your favorite chair. Or do BOTH!
What's that?
Still, not convinced?
Well, I'm no fancy marketing, letter-writing type of guy. So I'm sorry if I just couldn't get across in words just how valuable my book is. I really think everyone should have a copy. I believe that with all my heart. So I'll tell you what..
I got to thinking.
Just this morning something really exciting happened.
As I was sitting in my office, working away, I heard a shriek of delight. It was my 5 year old. Then she exclaimed, "Dad there's a whole bunch of babies around Angel!" ("Angel", oddly enough, is a mamma guppy.)
By the time I got away from my desk and into the other room all 5 of my children were jostling for position in front of the aquarium and staring wide-eyed at the proud mother and her brood.
The kids had known that "Angel" was pregnant and that guppies are "livebearers". So the last few days were filled with anticipation. Barely half an hour would pass without someone checking to see if there were any babies. It was a lot of fun!
All 5 of them were completely enthralled and, as I watched them, I realized that you just can't buy that sort of an experience.
I recalled back when I'd had breeding tanks and how rewarding that had been ... the colorful courting rituals, eggs hatching, nurturing fry ...
Breeding tropical fish can be pretty neat!
That's when I decided I'd share something else with you.
If you go ahead and order "Tropical Fish Secrets" before midnight tonight -- Sunday, February 19, 2012 -- I'll throw in an an incredible book as a Gift to You!
It's called,
"How to Breed Tropical Fish!"
This gem is worth its weight in gold!
I know, it's not something you absolutely NEED -- like "Tropical Fish Secrets".
But if you ever decide to try your hand at breeding your fish ... whether it's just for fun or to make a few dollars, this book is for you.
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn...
- 4 critical elements every breeding tank MUST have.
- How to "condition" your breeding pair (No, you don't make them swim laps!)
- What to keep OUT of the tank--If you don't know this, your fish won't even consider reproducing.
- How To Tell The Boys From The Girls (a useful thing to know when you're trying to breed, don't ya think?)
- Who Makes The Best Parents.
- Why flashing lights and loud noises may "set the mood".
- The difference between livebearers, egglayers, mouth brooders, nest builders and egg scatterers--and what you need to do differently for each of them.
- Which saltwater species breed most successfully in captivity.
From guppies to seahorses and freshwater to saltwater, nothing is left out.
"How to Breed Tropical Fish" is a handy little book that I'd like you to have.
I was going to sell it on its own but if giving it to you is what it takes to convince you to try out "Tropical Fish Secrets" I guess I've got to bite the bullet...
Convinced yet? Yes? Good...
Still playing hard to get?
Stand back, here comes the kitchen sink!
If you act today, I'll throw in Gift number 2!
This one is the "motherlode" if you are interested in sheer volume of information!
"Freshwater Tropical Fish Profiles: 50 of Your Favorites!" provides very detailed information about 50 different breeds of freshwater fish.
This is a great resource encyclopedia for you. You may never actually read it cover to cover, but you will keep it around for years to come and pick it up when you are planning your next fish purchase.
This is exactly like the books you pay top dollar for at the bookstore. I was going to (and I probably still will) sell this resource for $27 all by itself! It's full of great pictures and, at almost 150 pages, it's bigger than the other two books combined!
Each section details very specific information about your favorite fish including,
- Its scientific name, family and genus and "fancy shmancy" stuff like that.
- Where they come from in the wild.
- Ideal water chemistry and temperature.
- Detailed descriptions of their optimum body shape and coloration.
- Very detailed instructions on how to breed them and raise the fry.
It was my own private resource. One I spent years compiling for my own use. It's not like "Tropical Fish Secrets" either. This isn't stuff you NEED to know. But when you really start to get involved in the hobby it's certainly something you'd LIKE to have. And most folks will go spend a few bucks to get it.
There. That's it. I've done all I can.
I hope it's enough.
(Now I really hope my wife doesn't read this... she'll really think I'm crazy for giving away the farm!)
To summarize. You get all three books,
- "Tropical Fish Secrets",
- "How to Breed Tropical Fish" and
- "Freshwater Tropical Fish Profiles: 50 of Your Favorites"
for $27.00!
Take advantage of this crazy offer before my wife finds out!
(The colours and shapes of living creatures can be amazing!) |
I hope my books help you the same rewarding experiences that my family and I have enjoyed.
I know you’ll be thrilled with “Tropical Fish Secrets” and really enjoy your very own magical underwater world.
And just think how impressed your friends will be!
Sean LeMay
P.S. The insider information in my guide is priceless. I've spent the better part of 30 years learning these secrets. However, for less than the cost of a few hours at the movies, I'm going to show you how to apply them to your tropical fish aquarium and supercharge your results immediately ... guaranteed! Remember... you risk nothing by checking it out for youself. My secrets either work for you like I say they will... or it's free!
P.P.S. Order by midnight tonight, Sunday, February 19, 2012 and I'll throw in "How to Breed Tropical Fish" and "Freshwater Tropical Fish Profiles: 50 of Your Favorites!" completely on me!
Get Your Copy Of "Tropical Fish Secrets" For Only $27
You can download it right now -- even if it's 2:00 a.m.!