Understanding the Functions and Importance of Aquarium Pumps
That single fish in the fish bowl should manage quite all right though, but arguably it is not really that happy. After all, it is living in an environment that does not even pretend to be its natural habitat. An aquarium, on the other hand, is set up to at least recreate a semblance of the natural environment of the fish and and aquatic plants.
Have you ever owned a fish bowl? If you had at least seen one in movies or in a friend's house, you know that there is probably just one fish swimming in a tiny space. There is no need for aquarium pumps. It is not because the fish bowl is not an aquarium; you would not really see a fish bowl pump invented. That one fish has all it needs in that one tiny space: oxygen and water. The container is open and the fish does not even have to compete with another organism.
The role of aquarium pumps
An aquarium is larger than a fish bowl several times over. Even small aquariums completely swallow fish bowls in size. Because of this, water circulation has become an issue. Circulation is not just about making the water flow for a nice, natural look. Circulation is, in fact, a means to oxygenate the whole tank properly.
Aquarium pumps create water circulation for the tank. So, they are the ones that make sure oxygen gets spread around. When it comes to getting aquariums for your home, you are perhaps considering a good number of fish as your pet and a lot of space. It is no longer a fish bowl setting, wherein one fish in a small space can easily get its due.
Going back to the aesthetic function
Aquarium pumps do create a lovely waterfall effect, especially when used with props and ornaments, such as air stones. When you take the time to enjoy your aquarium, you may feel relaxed by the gently flowing water. Combine the effect created by the aquarium pumps with colored lighting and the result is simply gorgeous.
Considering tank size
Think back to the fish bowl environment. The environment does not require pumps to circulate water and oxygen because it is small. So, the larger the aquarium, the more powerful the set of aquarium pumps should be. If you are buying your tank and your aquarium pumps separately, take note of the size of your tank and ask for help at the store. Always go for aquarium pumps that fit the size of your tank.
Buying your aquarium pumps
The more powerful your set of aquarium pumps, the more likely you will be shelling out a hefty price. Aquarium pumps range in price from just a little over fifty dollars to a daunting $400 plus. You should not look at the prices alone, however. Think about your tank and fish.
If you value your fish, you may be more willing to pay more especially if you have a large tank. Of course, you should not just buy the first set of expensive aquarium pumps. Conduct extensive research. It may be possible that there are models that are more powerful but are cheaper.
Jeffry Johnston is a freelance writer who has been involved in the aquarium hobby for more than 15 years. Jeffry began keeping freshwater and brackish tanks in his teens and later transitioned to saltwater aquariums. Most of his aquarium know-how comes from personal experience, although he actively participates in his local aquarium club, online message boards and industry events. He is a hands-on hobbyist who enjoys the husbandry and propagation of aquatic life and aquarium test kits. To learn more about reef and fish only aquariums, visit MarineDepot.com today.